Fuel gauge indicates too little diesel in tank

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Fuel gauge indicates too little diesel in tank

Beitragvon Arjan H. » Sonntag 6. Mai 2007, 13:44

Dear LT friends,

Since my German isn't good enough to explain technical problems, I'm writing in English:

Does anyony of you have experience with a fuel gauge (kraftstoffvorratsanzeiger) that says the fuel tank is empty, when there is still 15-20 litres in it? Also the gauge does not indicate a full tank when I just filled it up.
Is it possible to fix this 'problem' without having to remove the whole tank?

By the way, it is about a '84 LT28 with a 2,4 DW motor.

LT Greetings,


(Tienhoven, NL)
Arjan H.

Beitragvon specht » Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 20:20

hallo I have also such an old LT and seems always to have same problems as yours. It is not so easy to change this . But when the indicator turns into the red area there is normally enough for the next100 km. And buy a reserve canister 10ltr. :roll: javascript:emoticon(':roll:')

Beitragvon Midnight » Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 21:53

I think there are two possibilities. The instrument is a coil rotating on a magnet and will be taken back by an spring. So it might be that the magnet has lost his strenght by his age. The sencond might be that the the spring is blocked, or the indicator itself has lost his position on his axis.

Best regards


Beitragvon Arjan H. » Montag 28. Mai 2007, 18:25

Thanks for your replies!

At least now I know that this is a common problem.
When the time is right I will try and fix it...;-)

Greetings Arjan
Arjan H.

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