LT 4x4 from Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Hier geht es ausschließlich um den allradgetriebenen LT, mit dem man dort stecken bleiben kann, wo andere LTs erst gar nicht hinkommen :-)

LT 4x4 from Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Beitragvon serega198 » Sonntag 30. August 2020, 22:27

Hello, all LT owners, drivers, mechanics, rebuilders and others!

Take one more patient with the "LT-4x4" virus :grin:

3 years ago I purchased LT40 4x4. I found it at 3200 km from Saint-Petersburg in Siberia. Then I successfully drived it in Saint-Petersburg to construct... not a "camper" in the classic interpretation, but an expedition car for short "fishing tours" to the north of the Russia - Karelia, Murmansk province etc. "Short: means 10-15 days.

Of course, I have encountered many problems well-known to 4x4 owners, and many of them are still unresolved. First af all I did a capital repairing of engine and rare axle. Due to various circumstances it took a very long time :-( At this moment the project is closer to the beginning than to the final, but 16.08 LT left my garage for the first time and went to Karelia with me, my son and my friend.

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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Samstag 16. Mai 2020, 23:48
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4 1994 ACL

Re: LT 4x4 from Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Beitragvon tiemo » Montag 31. August 2020, 11:50

Nice part, nice pictures!

Thank you, and good luck with your LT!
For common problems we have our knowledge base , unfortunatly only in German, but with many pictures and diagrams.
Beiträge: 5130
Registriert: Freitag 6. August 2010, 09:01
Fahrzeug: 91er LT28 1S WOMO kurz

Re: LT 4x4 from Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Beitragvon Kleberwurst » Dienstag 1. September 2020, 07:43

Very warm welcome to LT-Drivers!

Many greetings from Wiesbaden, Germany

LT fahren, ist immer für eine Überraschung gut......auch im restlichen Leben.
Beiträge: 2242
Registriert: Dienstag 13. April 2010, 19:50
Wohnort: Wiesbaden
Fahrzeug: LT 31 Distance Wide, Karmann Bj. 94, 95 PS, ACL.

Re: LT 4x4 from Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Beitragvon T3 Syncro » Dienstag 27. Oktober 2020, 18:56

Welcome to the LT 4x4 community and good luck with your car.

I hope to start in 2023/2024 a trip to Lake Baikal (unfortunally very indifferent in times of Corona and crazy politicans everywhere). And my LT 4x4 is also still under construction. So, maybe we'll have once a meeting (grill, red wine and vodka) ...

Greetings to Russia

T3 Syncro
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Dienstag 24. September 2019, 21:36
Fahrzeug: LT 4x4 EZ 02.05.1989, DV, 102 PS

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